May 13, 2011


Ok, so I just got on youtube and I check my messages or whatever and I see someone has replied to a comment I put on the video 'The Circle of Stars - the Circle of Life', which is a video of a few older Disney stars doing there singing thang. Well, first off, here is my comment to the video-

'This is the Disney we miss. This is the Disney 1/2 white, 1/2 black. This is the Disney with the Raven who created the snap and head roll, the Christy Carlson Ramano who completed Even Stevens and brought to life Kim Possible. The Tahj Mowry who really was a Smart Guy. The Kayla Pratt who was Proud of her Family. And the Hilary Duff that portrayed Lizzie McGuire. This is the Disney Channel we grew into until it was taken away.'

 Good right? Yeah well apparently alot of people think so because 46 PEOPLE LIKED THIS COMMENT!!! Which I posted a short two weeks ago. Secondly, I got a reply to my comment (as I mentioned earlier) and the name shall not be disclosed, so we'll call this person... Rainbow :). Rainbow said:    ' @Cheer4SK That was just absolutely beautiful!!!!' .      AWW! So sweet right? Well, I responded (ofcousre! :) And I saw some of the other comment that just about made me cry! :( And I thought maybe you all would like to see a few? Here they are (for privacy purposes all posters will be named as : Anonomous):

this song makes me cry...only cuz i miss that time, i miss that movie, and i miss those stars. i wish they would bring back all the awesome shows they had when i was a kid. thats real acting and real shows. not this s*** Disney shows these days. Nothing would make me happier than to turn on to Disney to day and see a marathon of the old shows. We should start a petition. Let's do that!! Come on yall! Who are with me!!

Is it me or am I starting to cry already? I miss the Old Disney so much!! And I agree with all of you guys. Disney Channel has really gone downhill! The Old Disney taught you something that you can relate to in the real world instead of s*** that doesn't even make sense... But I feel sorry for today's generation of kids that are watching the garbage on Disney and other TV channels and never got to watch the stuff we did... Bring back old Disney! :(

Call me weird but I actually started crying (well tearing up) when I watched this. I remembered my childhood and mostly how much I loved Disney Channel when it was actually good. I mean come on a teenager with a double one can relate to that. The new actors SUCK, because you can totally tell the acting and jokes are forced upon and they are sooo cheesy (not in a good way). The old Disney everyone could relate to their problem because they were realistic. I miss you Disney

Well those are a couple of the ones that made me tear up too, but there are many more. Support the cause. Millions care, millions are upset, and a few of us are trying to help. So check us out! :)):