November 30, 2011

The Change

I know I haven't been on in forever but that doesn't mean I've forgotten the cause. I actually just didn't know what to say. But I want to give a shout-out to someone in the 'Bring Back The Good Old Disney' Facebook group, who is really awesome, and has gotten us so many members and really been committed to this whole campaign. I'm not going to say his name but if he ever sees this, then he'll know who he is. :) D.S. I just can't believe Disney is so different. I remember when I was young and everyone used to tell me, "When you grow up you'll stop watching Disney Channel." But I promised myself that I never would. Sadly, they were right :(. I still love Disney, a lot. But it's just TOO different. Many people probably think I'm romanticizing the past, and that all childhood things are great. But I'm not. Disney Channel used to be a safe haven for all. It was all about the entertainment and bettering of others. Now it's a laugh track every other second, and someone putting some one else down the rest. No more morals, no more lessons. And it's plain to see what's behind The Change. Money. And other stuff I'm sure. It always is. I know I'm not the only person to notice that Disney is putting more toy advertisements  in the commercial break. Not I'm not saying it's awful and unacceptable, just that I really did enjoy the fact that the majority of Disney commercials were for Disney Channel events or products. Huh... Maybe I got spoiled. :) But I honestly don't feel like we're asking for a lot. Just another channel for older shows. I mean if Teen Nick can afford to do 'Back To The 90's' to appease it's fans, I don't get why Disney can't do the same. I mean really.

July 23, 2011

I Pass It On To You

All right guys. I know that there are plenty of people out there who feel like I do, and could possibly do this campaign as good as I do. So, I pass it on to you. Everyone who will ever read this, I urge you to do what I did and stick with it. Feel it in your heart and don't let anyone tell you this won't work. Disney Channel is on of the places that taught me that no dream is unreachable. So it is now YOUR mission, YOUR goal, to save Disney Channel.For you and your friends, your nieces and nephews, your children or future children, for EVERYONE! I know that if every person out there decides to make a blog, or a website, or a petition, or a twitter, or a Facebook group, then Disney Channel will take notice. Thank You if your even thinking about helping. :)

June 14, 2011

Real Quick Y'all

I just had to know. Does anyone remember the Disney New Year party for a couple years back? When they had this booth, and all the stars got in it and said who there crushes were. And as it turned out, many stars liked each other. I just remember watching that party like it was yesterday. :) Today is my birthday. Yes, I'm 14. And along with happiness comes sorrow, for now that I'm no longer 13, everyone who see's my cause will just think I've "out-grown" Disney channel. Well I'll tell you straight right now, no matter how old I am I will always love Disney Channel, even when in a couple of years it stinks, it'll still be MY CHANNEL. And I just need people to know that. I made a promise to myself and Disney ( when it was better) that I would never stop liking it. And I will keep my promise. Thanks :)

June 7, 2011


You know what? I feel like a new person. I love it. But whats important is that on Sunday I had to witness the worst show in history! So Random! Ok, this show is a, here we go: This show is a show, within a show, that is now it's own show. Amazing huh? Well, I think not. This show is stupid, pointless, and dumb. That's just me being honest, not trying to be rude. I'm also pretty sure that soon enough they'll run out of not-funny, stupid things to "act" out. I put "" around act because it was so bad, I don't think you could consider it that. I mean, it would take absolutely no training or skill to did what they did. I do have to admit, Tiffany Thornton was a good singer, even pretending. But I believe the best part of the show was the performance of 'All Day' by Cody Simpson. He was REALLY good, and I like to think of him as Australia's Justin Bieber. Well, in my opinion he saved the show. Or at least he was the only reason I sat through it all. Oh, but Zora was pretty good also. In her sketch she actually acted, and wasn't to shabby. I think that the 'So Random' in Sonny With a Chance was better than this. :) Well, I just updated the polls on the blog, so please vote. And feel free to email me whenever at Thanks Guys! :D

May 28, 2011

I Wish

IM SOO SORRY! I know guys I haven't posted in like a million years, but it's because it's almost the and of school here and also I'm running out of things to say. :) I do want to say though -   

I wish there was just a moment, or day, I could stay up, and just watch Disney Channel. All night. Like I used to. Used to be a variety of shows on at night and I would stay up, almost every saturday, and just sit... and watch. :| But slowly I stopped staying up and Disney Channel started to fade away. I sent them an email expressing my hurt, but it went unanswered. Now I'm just so ready for a change. With Wizards of Waverly Place ending, and people thinking that 'Cece is the New Miley' I'm afraid Disney is losing everything they had left. I think it's time... for a revolution. :)

May 21, 2011

Money, Money, Monay!

MONEY! Some say it's what makes the world go round. I do not believe that however. So I'm just like, 'Why is Disney so concerned with money?' Shouldn't they be worried about entertaining familys, keeping people happy? I mean I know they need money to continue what they do but should I play that huge of a role. It's a simple question. Quantity or Quality?That... is all I have to say. Oh yeah, one more thing. I know the world is MOST DEFINITELY! not going to end, but I just wanted to say. That in my time it's past 2:00. Which means the world was suppose to end, what? 30 minutes ago? Yeah, were ok yall, were ok. :)

May 16, 2011

Thanks For Ruining that Too

So I just recently learned that 'Shake it Up' will be combining with 'Good Luck Charlie' for a special episode. First thing to run through my head? 'Thanks for ruining 'Good Luck Charlie' for me.' I mean I was begininng to think better of that show (family values and such) and then they had to bring Shake It Up On and.... just Uggk. Oh but I also have a special treat for you all, I ask that you guys check out this persons video on youtube. OMG! I prom-ise you'll Love (capital L) it! :) I is called Why I hate the new Disney Channel (Old Disney vs New Disney), and it is a thrilling 3 min. 40 sec. expose` of a common issue - New Disney. Here is the link: and I pray you check it out for your sake, it's amazing! :) Thank you, and goodnight! :)

May 14, 2011

Eye-Opening. Forreal

So I was just surfing the world wide web, trying to see if people really do agree that shake it up is the WORST show ever put on Disney Channel. Did I get and eye-opener or what. MIllions of people commenting on yahoo questions and videos. I had no ideo this many people HATE Shake It Up. While surfing I came across and question on yahoo answers. It goes like this:

Does anyone else think DISNEY SUCKS CRAP NOW?

I’m 14 years old, & from what I recall as a child, [even when I lived in India] Disney wasn’t all obsessed with fame & money, wasn’t full of teeny boppers that’ll all be gone in 5 years, wasn’t so cheesy & senseless…what happened to or good ole’ Disney? Walt would be so disappointed if he were alive…
We have dirty h**s like miley, demi, & vanesa hudgens [ all had slutty pics leaked] that represent Disney now. Oh Come on! Remember when Disney was for the whole family? Lion king? Aladdin? With only 8 shows that air currently, ( Hannah montanna, fish hooks, wizards, phineas & ferb, shake it up, good luck Charlie, sonny with a chance, suite life on deck) The only good show on Disney now is Phineas & ferb! These shows are so stupid & cheesy, what happened to:

Lizzie McGuire • The Proud Family • Totally Hoops • Kim Possible • Totally in Tune • That's So Raven • Lilo & Stitch: The Series • Dave the Barbarian • Phil of the Future • Brandy & Mr. Whiskers • American Dragon: Jake Long • The Buzz on Maggie • The Suite Life of Zack & Cody • The Emperor's New School • The Replacements • Cory in the House • Jonas L.A.

Remember rollie polie olie? Out of the box? Jojo’s circus?
Good ole days :))

And here is the amazing answer:

I'm pretty sure EVERYONE agrees with you! Disney Channel has just turned itself into a stupid, inappropriate, non-family-like channel.
I mean have you SEEN Shake it up? It's a total disaster!! Why are 13-year-old girls interested in dating while wearing a full pack of make up?? And their CLOTHES are horrible!!
I'm 13 and i still remember always watching rollie polie olie! I mean where did THAT good stuff go? Down the trash? I 100% agree how u said Walt would be disappointed.
Disney channel should just fire all the actresses who are taking over with their idiotic acting and make some new shows. I'm pretty sure they ran out of ideas because Shake it up is just a combination of hannah montana and sonny with a chance. Everyone is saying that bella thorne is the new "miley" but shes not! she's not even all that pretty even though everyone says she is!
Disney is just being greedy about their money too. All they want is money money money. Nobody there cares about actually ENTERTAINING us kids/teens with their crap they call shows. Except for wizards of waverly place, cuz that show is pretty good now.
Do you know when they show the GOOD shows? At 1 or 2 in the morning. That's the stupidest timing ever. They should put Sonny with a chance there. NOT thats so raven. I mean why even bother having the shows on disneys site if theyre never going to show them?
Nickolodean and Cartoon Network changed too so I stopped watching those channels. I mean Icarly is shown WAYY to often and so does victorious, even though i havent even watched the show ONCE. lol. Nothing is funny anymore on tv... thats why i just watch movie channels.
I hope Disney changes soon.... haha

I was like "DAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNGGG!" because even though i knew that tons and tons and tons of people feel this way it was inspiring to know that people want it back to. While reading the list of shows people miss I felt so sad and happy at the same time. Sad because the shows were gone, but happy because I know we'll get them back and to hold me until then I still have my memories.

May 13, 2011


Ok, so I just got on youtube and I check my messages or whatever and I see someone has replied to a comment I put on the video 'The Circle of Stars - the Circle of Life', which is a video of a few older Disney stars doing there singing thang. Well, first off, here is my comment to the video-

'This is the Disney we miss. This is the Disney 1/2 white, 1/2 black. This is the Disney with the Raven who created the snap and head roll, the Christy Carlson Ramano who completed Even Stevens and brought to life Kim Possible. The Tahj Mowry who really was a Smart Guy. The Kayla Pratt who was Proud of her Family. And the Hilary Duff that portrayed Lizzie McGuire. This is the Disney Channel we grew into until it was taken away.'

 Good right? Yeah well apparently alot of people think so because 46 PEOPLE LIKED THIS COMMENT!!! Which I posted a short two weeks ago. Secondly, I got a reply to my comment (as I mentioned earlier) and the name shall not be disclosed, so we'll call this person... Rainbow :). Rainbow said:    ' @Cheer4SK That was just absolutely beautiful!!!!' .      AWW! So sweet right? Well, I responded (ofcousre! :) And I saw some of the other comment that just about made me cry! :( And I thought maybe you all would like to see a few? Here they are (for privacy purposes all posters will be named as : Anonomous):

this song makes me cry...only cuz i miss that time, i miss that movie, and i miss those stars. i wish they would bring back all the awesome shows they had when i was a kid. thats real acting and real shows. not this s*** Disney shows these days. Nothing would make me happier than to turn on to Disney to day and see a marathon of the old shows. We should start a petition. Let's do that!! Come on yall! Who are with me!!

Is it me or am I starting to cry already? I miss the Old Disney so much!! And I agree with all of you guys. Disney Channel has really gone downhill! The Old Disney taught you something that you can relate to in the real world instead of s*** that doesn't even make sense... But I feel sorry for today's generation of kids that are watching the garbage on Disney and other TV channels and never got to watch the stuff we did... Bring back old Disney! :(

Call me weird but I actually started crying (well tearing up) when I watched this. I remembered my childhood and mostly how much I loved Disney Channel when it was actually good. I mean come on a teenager with a double one can relate to that. The new actors SUCK, because you can totally tell the acting and jokes are forced upon and they are sooo cheesy (not in a good way). The old Disney everyone could relate to their problem because they were realistic. I miss you Disney

Well those are a couple of the ones that made me tear up too, but there are many more. Support the cause. Millions care, millions are upset, and a few of us are trying to help. So check us out! :)):

May 11, 2011

Sorry! :)

Sorry guys! I haven't had alot of time to update with hard facts and such I really just wanted to apologize. I have been testing ALL week and still have more to go. I absolutely love posting on here and seeing blog get listed higher and higher in the search engines. We are moving along at a moderate pace and I'm so excited as well as happy. If there are any issues with Disney, or stories, or anything in life that you want me to include in a post or write more about. EMAIL ME! Really I promise I'll try to respond as soon as possible. Or if you want to do make up a poll, tell me about it, and Iwill try and put it up on the blog. :) So feel free to comment, vote, or really anything (such as emailing, or following :) that you want. Thank You and GOODNIGHT!

May 10, 2011

Scared But Ready to Fight

So my biggest fear is that this blog with get SUPER popular (on its way :) and the website will get tons of hits.And then Disney will be like ' This girl is a menace! Let us sue her!' One, Disney has billions of dollars and attorneys, I do NOT want to get sued by them. But then on the other hand, when I really think about it... my biggest fear is that we won't succeed. No, no. My biggest fear is that I won't even be heard. Half the time I wonder if the only people that come to this blog is by accident. But then I shake myself out of it. People come here because this is for a worthy cause and it's on a lot of peoples hearts. I know that if I have to live the rest of my life without my favorite shows, I'm gonna end up eating all the twix in the world, then I'll get fat, and then who knows what. Woah! I am so bad at staying on track! :) Ha, well the point is I don't care if Disney sues me. Because at least I'll know that I'm getting somewhere, right? I they feel they have to sue me to make me stop, then I'll know I'm actually getting to them. And then I'll just work harder! And you know what... I hope that , eventually, they see this post. Eventually. :)

May 9, 2011

Sunshine And Carpet

A particular memory enters my brain when I think of the old Disney Channel. A time when me and my sister sat on the floor together and watched Boy Meets World. Some people may not know what I'm talking about but I know some people do. In fact, in a recent poll (home page) Boy Meets World was the most voted as the show people want to come back on air. Well this is a pleasant memory for me because me and my sister fight often but in the moment we acted like... well sisters! We chatted about how dramatic the season had gotten and how we absolutely loved it. We bonded, over a Disney channel show and I'll never forget it. So do you have any memories of Disney Channel? Fond or unpleasant? Doesn't matter. I just know that shows on disney used to have the ability to bring families and friends together. Now I'm the odd one out becuase I watch Disney. Ironic and a sad fact. :(

May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone! May joy, love, and happiness be with all of you. :)

May 7, 2011

What Do You Think?

So I've been doing a lot of social networking for the cause and this blog is getting more and more popular everyday. We've got some people from Canada, Germany, Pakistan, and Indonesia checking it out! That is outstanding considering this is a world-wide organization we're trying to save. Well I want to know what you guys think? What do you all think we should do to get our voices heard? I mean obviously you all can tell you friends about this site or sign the petitions for this cause that are out there, but what do we do to make a 'BOOM!'. What do we do to realize our goals. I mean isn't that what Disney is all about? So what do you suppose we do to get the "Big Boss" to give us a raise? (metaphor... not very good :) Leave comments on here because i love to here you all's suggestions. Or message me on twitter. Or join the facebook group ( link on the top of the page) and post on the wall. Thanks. :)

May 6, 2011

Past Crying Because It Was Wonderful

I know... kinda confusing title. But that's beside the point. Tonight was very emotional for me because tonight was the 'Suite Life: On Deck: Graduation' episode. And I'm sitting here in the living room, crying. CRYING! I am a thirteen year old girl crying over a Disney Channel show! :) Well just goes to show that I care. So anyway, I'm sitting there watching it and everything is way funnier than normal, and so much more sentimental and I'm just like 'OMG! I can't take it!' Ha. And I'm saying godbye in my head to Zach, Cody, London, Bailey, Mr.Mosby, EVERYBODY! I really love that show and that's what I hate. I know, your like 'hate?' Well, I hate that I always end up appriciating things after it's there time to go. So I laughed, cryed, thought deeply. Then I said one final goodbye. I DIDN'T however turn off the T.V. I kept it on to watch the season preview of 'Ant Farm' starring China Anne McLain. I don't know if it's because i was exteremly emotional or what but I found this to be HILARIOUS! Every so often a really good line would come up, so well thought out, and original that I just burst out laughing! So then I started thinking 'Maybe Disney is trying to change? Make the shows better, better morals and scripts, and such? Maybe I don't actually have to run this giant campain?' Then, after that, guess what show came on?.... SHAKE IT UP! And I said " No No, as long as shows like this are around I'll have to keep working!" Aha Ahhh :) Well that is the story of my very teary, heart-felt, funny evening. Feel free to comment on any posts, follow me on twittier (@BringOldDisney), or follow this blog. Thanks!

May 5, 2011

Dang Nabbit!

I'm most definetely not trying to discourage any hopes but could this process move a little faster... please! I mean everything takes time obviously, and I understand that we have so much success already that was never predicted, but... Ugg. I really can't believe I'm this ungrateful. 63 followers in two weeks! 257 Page views in two weeks (yes I repeated myself :)! All that, and I'm still wishing I already had 1,000,000 so that Disney will realize we are completely serious. And you know that erks me though? To know that they may not even care. That after everything they may not care whether the children, or parents, or whoever else is looking at this blog right now, are upset! I just want to make a difference. And this is so important to so many people, and I want everyone to be happy. Especially the little kids (like k-6th). I just want them to know the happiness I felt when I came home from school, just three years ago (5th) and sat down and was able to enjoy Disney Channel like no other channel. Because it was amazing and spirit lifting and just.... WONDERFUL! Why can't I have that back? Why don't they care. But I'm not worried too much. Becuase I know... that one day they will. :)

May 4, 2011


Sitting here, listening to 'From This Day Forward' by  Kevin Kern. It's so relaxing and its making me think about life and stuff. And now to finish off this wonderful day I would love to turn on the T.V and see Disney Channel. But I've seen all the episodes and there really is no point. Used to be you turn to a re-run and didn't want to turn the channel because each time it was still... wonderful. the only reason I'll be watching Disney at all today is for the Suite Life Fan Pick. I want to see them graduate and so I'll watch it. But its not the same. Not anymore. And I just really hope they know that. :|

May 3, 2011

How Close Will We Get?

How close will we get to the top, to the goal. How much will we have to achieve to even make a difference. Well that depends on many different factors. I personally know that we will make it to 1,000 pretty soon. Then 10,000, and then 100,000 and soon on until we get the attention we deserve. I just know we can get back a Disney that everyone can enjoy. Everyone I know agrees that Disney is not what it used to be. And so I will work to get to a place ( I know is out there... somewhere) where Disney is a "haven" again. :)

May 1, 2011

I'm So Far

I'm so far from the goal. I say thanks to all the people who have only just looked at this blog. I say thanks to the 63 people who have followed on twitter already, that number growing everyday.I say thanks to the 15 people who have checked out my website, I say thanks to God for the success he has given me. I just say 'Thank You'. But even with all that we are still so far away from a time when anyone, and everyone, can sit down and enjoy every aspect of Disney Channel. I'm tired, to be honest, I'm tired. Everyday I post or I social network, or I'm making new sites or petitions. It may not seem like much work but let me tell you it is. But it's worth it. :) Because when I can sit down with my friends, my family, and the rest of the world, and watch the amazing Disney Channel, I'll know that this work wasn't for nothing. It will have made millions happy, and so now I work harder. I will be done from spring break tomorrow, seeing as tomorrow is Monday. Which means I'll only be able to post maybe once a day, and twice occasionally. I'll try my hardest to get on here and work towards where I know we can get. And just know I do all this not out of hatred for Disney Channel, but for love of it. I love Disney Channel. It will always be that way. And when they finally become the great Disney Channel I know they can be, I'll rejoyce. Out of love.

April 29, 2011

I Could Cry

I could cry thinking about the end of 'Suite Life: On Deck'. I know that it certainly isn't the best show, and that in this mission I probably should not like anything on Disney...but. I'm just so disappointed.I've stuck with Zach and Cody from the beginning and to think that it's over is like... being forced to grow up. Everything I see that commercial for the graduation episode, with the music and all, I just put my index finder to my mouth and I chew on my nail and think of all the episodes I've seen of them over the years. I grew up with them... literally. I watch them go from boys to men. Which is funny because they actually seemed to grow faster than I did? But that is besides the point. What I'm trying to say is that, I can't see the clear future of Disney withoout remembering them, and all they did to help create it. They will live on forever in the hearts of millions. GO ZACH AND CODY! TWINS FOR THE AGES! :)   

April 28, 2011


Everyday I wake up to the same thought. Save Disney Channel. I'm on Spring Break at the moment and ever since one day into it I've been on this mission, a mission to save Disney. So far I've had a total of 169 page views, 12 people to view my website, and 34 followers on Twitter (@BringOldDisney). And you know what... I'm ecstatic! It may not be alot compared to the 89 million cable subscribers of the ever so changing Disney Channel. But it's alot to me. I want to Thank everyone for helping and I thank God. Just know it doesn't stop here. We have a long way to go but we'll make it. I'll keep waiting for my Kim Possible (Check out last post). :)

April 27, 2011

Strong Emotions

Yesterday I got the incredibly strong urge to watch Kim Possible. I really miss it. But then I thought about it and I decided not to look it up online or get it on DVD (if it's on DVD?) and just wait. Wait until I get enough page views, enough followers, enough support that Disney cannot ignore. And then when they finally do make a channel with better shows and some of the old shows (80's - 2006) and Kim Possible finally comes on it will means so much more. Because it will be payment for all of the hard work, all the tears of everyone who ever asked for the shows that made childhood fun back, everything. And you know what, then I thought about it some more and I remembered that i didn't ever REALLY love Kim Possible that much i just liked the show. Enough to stay up late and watch it on Disney Channel when it became sparse in the daytime. Then one night it didn't come on. I had Direct Tv so I was able to check if it would come on tomorrow or the next day, but it wasn't there. I actually don't remember what I did, it had to be some years ago, so I was around ten or eleven. I guess I was kind of hurt because I knew whatever they would use to replace Kim Possible would never be good enough. And I would alway yearn for the show I knew I'd probably never see again. So now I just... I don't really know. I just know I would give alot to have one night. Just one night, with Kim Possible the movies, American Dragon, That So Raven, Rolie Polie Olie, and Even Stevens back on the air. I don't know which shows you would pick but those are mine. :)

April 26, 2011

Don't Get Me Wrong...

Don't get me wrong I really Love Disney! There are some shows I know people hate that I love and vice versa. Disney Channel was once my entire world, it was my rock. And I appriciate the home and safety Disney gave me when I was little. A comforting movie everynight with my sister, knowing every line of every show. I know... Lame. Your probably think 'That girl had no life!' :) Well when I was 0-10 Disney was really all I was ever good at besides academics. But now I'm growing older and Disney is changing so fast I can't keep up. I just want something farmiliar, batter shows, better scripts, better.... Anything. Please. Help me regain my... Our Disney. :)

I posted this on my other blogsite, so dont think I stole this. :)


OK, so I just saw the commercial for the new show 'Ant Farm', which will be airing after 'The Suite Life of Zach and Cody: On Deck' ends. I have to say, I'm actually excited. I know I'm constantly talking about how 'BLAH' Disney has increasingly been getting. But... I mean.... This is the first show in a while that the main character is colored. not that I'm racist or biased it's just that it shows a diversity that Disney has been lacking. I don't know whether they are going to put forth an effort to make this show a good one, but despite my doubt that this will once again be another let down, I can't help but hope this show will rise to the occasion. :)

So What Now?

What are my goals? Well, as you can see on the blog main page I am tracking how many people visit this blog. The number rises everyday.And I'm very proud and thankful for that. Me and my support team work extremely hard to try and get the news out there and to know that we are being heard is all we could ever ask for.Well, maybe not all we could ever ask for. Obviously my main goal is to get some kind of reaction from Disney Channel. Whether good or bad (Im really hoping they don't sue me for this, but if they do?Oh, well!:) right now all we are looking for is an acknowledgement that they are scared or willing to make a compromise. And for that to happen we are going to have to get in the millions. I plan to hopefully be on Oprah and share with her our cause. I know I sound crazy but returning Disney Channel to its prime is a passionate dream of mine. I hope youwill hel me get there. So click on the links on the top of the page. One will take you to our website, you can post on the forums, check out the photo albums, or just read our homepage and leave. The other link will take you the homepage of our facebook group, please it is an open group so feel free to join. Follow me on Twitter @BringOldDisney. And sign our petition at Thank You! :) We can make a difference!

April 25, 2011



What Are We Gonna Do About It!

What are we gonna do about this! Because I'm not gonna sit around and watch my Disney Channel waste away. So tell your friends about this blog. Look at the website. Make it your responsibility to change Disney Channel. We will, one view, one vote, one comment at a time.So let's start. Until the day comes that we can all sit down and watch Disney Channel, loving every moment. we will have to keep working. Follow me on twitter @BringOldDisney.

Bring Back The Good Old Disney: Do They Even Care?

Bring Back The Good Old Disney: Do They Even Care?

Do They Even Care?

Do they even care that millions of people are losing everything because there not doing there jobs right? Do they even care some people won't let there children watch Disney because they think it's brainwashing them to think 'Am I pretty' or 'Am I fat?'. Do they really care? Because Disney Channel was never meant to be this way. It should be a family channel where a person really can switch on Disney without having to think 'What negative effect will this have on my child?' Well I want it to be this way and I am ready for a change. People all over have expressed there opinions about it, and started facebook groups and such. But its just not enough. So let's do this. Follow me on Twitter @BringOldDisney. The more followers, the more Disney has to look. Don't get me wrong there are a few shows I enjoy but it used to be no matter what show it was I love it. And Disney Channel was my channel.The only channel I would ever watch because everything was funny and nice and made me feel safe. Now I just really want that back. So also join the facebook group 'Bring Back The Good Old Disney'. And check out our website at There is a link connected to the post also. We can make a change, we will make a change. Weather it's getting more of the older better shows back on air, or getting a spin-off channel with old all the time; we will get it.

April 24, 2011

Disney Memories

We all remember what we want to. But sometimes we can't help but forget. It's Disney Channel's job to invoke the strongest feelings and the softest feelings we have in us over and over again. Each time just as amazing as the first. Now I'm fighting for all the shows that were lost and for better shows now. Shows that have the ability to do what shows now a days just aren't doing. I'm still young, only 13. So I don't remember the show from the 80's and early 90's. But I fight for those too. I also fight for Kim Possible, that SO Raven, Even Stevens, American Dragon, The Pround Family, Rolie Pilie Olie, and So Weird. All the show that made my childhood and others worth remembering. If Disney doesn't want those shows on Disney Channel then make a new channel. Like Disney XD ( a waste of money I say) but just for the older shows we miss. I'm not the only one. Help me make a difference. :)

As Close to Statistics as I'm Gonna Get

In recent years ( I believe from 2005-2007) Disney has changed it's focus from family to pre-teen girls. Causing it to gain, and lose many veiwers. But Walt D. created this whole thing  in the hopes (I think) to bring families together, so they can laugh together, cry together, be together. And it breaks not only my heart, but make others to know all of the base prinicple on which Dsiney Channel was set and fading away.

New, But Not So Improved.

 Anyone notice the subtle yet drastic changes to Disney? I know I'm not the only one. How the shows don't have that good-hearted message anymore at the end on each show. And you never see those 'make you think AND cry' episodes that are so dramatic your just like "Oh... my goodness." Well, I guess they just don't make it they used to. Disney has become so plagued with trying to catch up with this generation they didn't realize, we never left. So sign the petitions, follow me @BringOldDisney on twitter. Join 'Bring Back The Good Old Disney' on facebook. Check out my website at . We can make a difference! :)