So my biggest fear is that this blog with get SUPER popular (on its way :) and the website will get tons of hits.And then Disney will be like ' This girl is a menace! Let us sue her!' One, Disney has billions of dollars and attorneys, I do NOT want to get sued by them. But then on the other hand, when I really think about it... my biggest fear is that we won't succeed. No, no. My biggest fear is that I won't even be heard. Half the time I wonder if the only people that come to this blog is by accident. But then I shake myself out of it. People come here because this is for a worthy cause and it's on a lot of peoples hearts. I know that if I have to live the rest of my life without my favorite shows, I'm gonna end up eating all the twix in the world, then I'll get fat, and then who knows what. Woah! I am so bad at staying on track! :) Ha, well the point is I don't care if Disney sues me. Because at least I'll know that I'm getting somewhere, right? I they feel they have to sue me to make me stop, then I'll know I'm actually getting to them. And then I'll just work harder! And you know what... I hope that , eventually, they see this post. Eventually. :)