I'm most definetely not trying to discourage any hopes but could this process move a little faster... please! I mean everything takes time obviously, and I understand that we have so much success already that was never predicted, but... Ugg. I really can't believe I'm this ungrateful. 63 followers in two weeks! 257 Page views in two weeks (yes I repeated myself :)! All that, and I'm still wishing I already had 1,000,000 so that Disney will realize we are completely serious. And you know that erks me though? To know that they may not even care. That after everything they may not care whether the children, or parents, or whoever else is looking at this blog right now, are upset! I just want to make a difference. And this is so important to so many people, and I want everyone to be happy. Especially the little kids (like k-6th). I just want them to know the happiness I felt when I came home from school, just three years ago (5th) and sat down and was able to enjoy Disney Channel like no other channel. Because it was amazing and spirit lifting and just.... WONDERFUL! Why can't I have that back? Why don't they care. But I'm not worried too much. Becuase I know... that one day they will. :)